Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Hail the leader

In leadership, as in the martial arts, your stance is critical to your success.
If you have a weak stance, then every way you lead will be fundamentally flawed.

A small discussion in a casual gathering prompted me to do some deep thinking. And then, the above saying came to my mind.. And I realized how important it is to take a stance. Not taking a stance and waiting for things to resolve themselves is the worst possible thing. A good leader is one who has ears on the ground, and hands full..

Unfortunately, there seems to be a dearth of such leaders, everywhere I look. Not just in the government, but everywhere.. So called leaders are disconnected from their subjects, and refuse to take action till rumblings precipitate into a crisis.. In such circumstances, we can only be the change we want to be. And then, show others the way, and change the world, such that the people say, We did it ourselves, for it is rightly said, "Leadership is action, not position".


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